Here is a blog I've been adding to for a while, it's about THOSE bits in songs. Those bits that make you need to hear the song again right away. Those bits that make you want to laugh, smile and squeal with excitement. This is part 1 of ??? because there are so many songs that have those bits.
Here are some of my favourite 'those bits'. I have been compiling a written list in my notepad, because when I hear 'those bits' I just want to gush about how great the song is.
Jaymay- Autumn Fallin': When she sings "your words were goodbye, goodbye, goodbye... I believe it was you...". The assonance in the end of the last 'goodbye' and at the beggining of 'I' allow the two words to blend into each other and escalate, the way she bends the note higher is just gorgeous.
Rilo Kiley are a band with lots of 'those bits'.
1) Does He Love You?: This track is a conversation between two women, one is having an affair with a married man who she wants to come out to see her in California. The other is a woman who married a man because she thought her time was running out, they have a shop together and a baby. The song escalates and escalates until the end revalations, the married woman hears her husband on the phone "but he's distant/and you found him on the phone, saying 'Baby, I love you and I'll leave her and I'm coming out to California'" The penny drops, if it hadn't already drops. The song ends with the perfect part that makes me listen to this song on repeat "Lets not forget ourselves good friend, I am flawed if I'm not free, and your husband will never leave you" PAUSE "he will never leave you for me." Then, cue the dramatic violins and picture me smiling with joy. Such an epic song with such a fantastic use of perspective.
2) Capturing Moods: Ok, this song makes me so happy it sometimes makes me cry tears of joy. Just, Jenny's voice, when she sings "I don't mind waiting, if it takes a long long time/ I don't mind braving the coldest winter of our time/ I don't mind racing through our goodbyes" So lovely.
3) Papillion: This is from very early Rilo Kiley, and it's a pretty simple song. But one line gets me every time "and the room is slowly sinking/but I can play guitar!" I can play the guitar, and I'm proud. I love that line.
of Montreal- Gronlandic Edit: Kevins falsetto vocals are irresistable on this song. My favourite line = "I guess it would be nice/to give my heart to a God/but which one? which one do I choose?/the church is filled with losers, psycho or confused/ I just want to hold the divine in mine, and forget". Perfect.
Cat Power- Lived In Bars: The vocals when she sings "who's gonna play drums, guitar, or organ with chorus?".
Bob Dylan- I Want You: Definately one of my favourite Dylan songs, I love the line "He spoke to me/ I took his flute/ no, I wasn't very cute to him, was I?". Makes me smile every time.
Chris Garneau
1) Blue Suede Shoes: Ok, there are 2 versions of this song. First there's the album version, then theres the version on the European release of the C-Sides EP. The latter has a little quicker tempo, Chris sings more than he whispers, and Anna's Cello replaces the piano. My favourite part of the song is when Chris sings, in his cute little voice, "I do, I take care of the love, 'cause red rockets fly if you don't, I'm always gonna worry about this, but you'll tell me 'It's okay Chris'". Whenever I see him live I always want to shout the "it's okay Chris!" part but the venue is always half empty and you could hear a pin drop.
2) Relief: vocals when he sings "I love the way you dance/we can work it all out"
3) Hands on the Radio/ In The Afternoon: This song is unreleased but is a fixture to Chris's live set. I still don't know what it's called, maybe I will message Chris. If you know me, you know I draw storyboard style pictures of days or events in my life. Here is one I drew about when I saw Chris . I sent it to him and he said, and I quote "Thank you Anika it is the sweetest ever!". You can imagine my smile. I got to meet him in May, and he is very lovely. He's so sweet, and he's shorter than me! Oh hang on, I appear to have gotten side tracked. The part I love is the "I hurt somebody/ I love you too/ I love you underneath the moon" and then the chorus "This town in my favourite/ and I promise I will come back/ Girls I promise you, boys I promise you too". His voice is so beautiful. The song reminds me of New York. I speculate whether it is about New York, or Paris. He lives in NY but I think he really loves Paris. Maybe I shoudl ask! It's probably a secret because sometimes he switched the vocals up, like when I saw him in March he sang "London is my favourite, and I promise...". But I've seen him switch it to Brighton and also Coventry apparently, so I think he'll probably want to keep it secret so he can keep switching it up.
Thats the end of part 1, I'm sure I'll do part 2 sometime. Theres plenty left to cover!
Sweet picture from
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