I just did a maths test for university and found it really hard. I have major hate for algebra. Theres no room for creativity with maths, I hate it. I just want to be creative all the time. I know it sounds really childish, and the Jeff Lewis lyric "maybe the world would be better if we were all just uncreative drones/ no dead childhood dreams to haunt us; a decent job, a decent home" comes to mind, but, whatever I do in life I hope I am a force for good. I know I'm doing business studies, but I resent business people who want to make money over ethics and morals. I don't ever want to be like that, I don't want to ever work for a big company (unless it's a charity or zoo or aquarium). In my heart, I want to be a musician or artist or work for a record label or have my own record shop. I want to travel and see the world and be good. Music made me like this. Music is in my heart and dreams every day. I'm always dreaming about singers and bands. The other night, I had a dream I was with Tilly and the Wall on this fence, and we were all singing the chorus of that Slow Club song, that goes "don't you ever wonder who's living in that house? "It's too small for people" we all said, but "there's people in the floorboards" said the mouse, said the mouse!" There was a crowd of people and we were singing a capella and it was awesome.
Emily Haines is doing 3 Brooklyn shows. Solo. Ouch. They're 21+ anyway so I wouldn't be able to go even if I was there, but still, it's annoying. I think the reason I miss New York all the time is because I'm always looking on Brooklyn Vegan and seeing all the stuff I'm missing.
I've just seen Heather D'Angelo has posted on her blog. I'm going to read it now, so over and out.
If you want a good read you should probably stop reading my blog and just read hers, it's better.
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